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Vault 67

The vault of the future!

NSFW photos are prominent

Meeting your Vault OverseerYou might be asking, “well I don’t know who’s running the Vault so why would I go?” Well here he is!

Handen Trench served in the Sino-American War as a general and battled on the front lines himself, his own father serving in World War 2! Handen himself has helped America become the great nation it is and so has his family.On the outside Handen might seem like a hard guy who’s strict and mean but he’s sweet on the inside!Priding ourselves on having our Vaults be a friendly and safe zone for all of the dwellers, we hand picked Handen not only due to his background, but his love for all and fair decision making.Why Vault 67?Vault 67 is one of our best vaults! Not that the others aren’t great, but Vault 67 was made to hold 2,000 of people and feature tons of stars across New York!Vault 67 features 6 stories and tons of activities to make your time in Vault 67 easier and more fun!Vault 67 has everything you need! Garden, hydroponics, gym, school, labs, and more!Can we bring our pets?We are sad to announce you are unable to bring any pets into the vault. It is sad news for everyone including the staff.What about my friends or family?Unfortunately if they have not bought one of the free spaces in the vault or weren’t given one they are unable to get into the Vault themselves. We are sorry to announce this but Vault-Tec wishes to look forward to a bright future!How will the Vault Work?The Vault is only sufficient with as much effort everyone puts in. Sadly you cannot bring your own Mr. Handys inside and none will be provided so everyone in the Vault must work together to provide for the vault.Every 2 years you, the people of the Vault, are able to elect a new Overseer of the Vault. If you feel the Vault Overseer isn’t doing a great job of running the Vault then the election would be a great time to speak your troubles!Whats the purpose of Vault 67?The purpose of all our vaults is to protect American society. We want to preserve Americas golden citizens and have them repopulate the world long after!Yearly bodily examEvery year once you reach 18 you will have to take a body exam. This body exam is to measure your sperm count, eggs, and body all for breeding. Our goal is to repopulate American society with as many kids as we can possible make.The bodily exam is also used as a matchmaking exam, matching each dweller with another no matter your sexual orientation. Vault-Tec only uses the best quality items, our technology being top of the notch and tested by multiple scientists and reaserchers!

Vault Overseer log 3067/14/2307Callan SteeleMy job as Overseer is to take care of the vault. Vault Tec requested that 150 years after the Vault closed I’m required to gas the people within the vault. Something I can dispense with a code only I know but I’m not told what it does?I’ve thought to myself about whether or not this is appropriate and safe for the people of the vault but I also thought about how I was raised. I was raised to follow orders. We have orders and rules for a reason, so I must do it. If I don’t do this it will go against my own moral code.7/16/2227So far barely anything has happened. A few distinct differences in attitudes. nothing important to note bit I figured I’d make a note.7/20/2227We had to detain multiple people today. The gas has made them erratic, so much so that a murder has occurred. We had to lock Jeremy and the others deep inside the vault where no one will find them.7/22/2227I found someone snooping through my office, I had no choice but to hide them, away from prying eyes. Thankfully I’m able to play it off as them going crazy like the others, no one will bat a single eye.That’s good for me though, I can finally release myself. I’m tired of acting like I’m the same as all the others.8/15/2227All good things must come to an end I suppose. I concluded gassing the dwellers after a week, but the actions and behaviors haven’t stopped. The science team is unsure of if the effects will ever wear off.The vault has been split into two, or three factions, really. Security has been guarding the door all the time because the crazies have threatened us and tried to open the vault door themselves. Those nutcases decided to take half of the vault themselves, but thank god they didn’t take the farm. We’re able to keep them away for now but each day only grows longer and longer as we wait for them to fucking stop.8/17/2227The crazies have taken multiple people and forced them to breathe in the gas. I guess they found where it was being stored when I myself didn’t even know.8/18/2227Everyone knows it was me. I did it, I finally told them I was just following orders but no one cares. That stupid cunt escaped their cage. I have no choice, they’re trying to get inside my office but I can’t let these pigs win. I’ll win. I always win. I have to win. I have to be the best. I hope those fuckers have fun breathing in the gift I’m gonna leave them.

Overseer Memorial

NSFW images prominent

Handen Trench

1st Overseer
Haden Trench was the foundation of Vault 67. Trench served as general during the Sino-American War until the bombs dropped, in which he was promptly promoted Vault Tech. Trench is considered a people person; with great communication skills he has led soldiers through Hell and back, all with a smile on his face.

Richard Campbell

40th overseer
Richard Campbell is a tough nut to crack. His cold exterior and hard head make him a great leader, while also making him a bit... intimidating, to say the least.
Growing up in the Vault, Campbell spent a lot of time learning about those who came before, like his ancestor, Victor Campbell. He now runs Victor's company, "Victor Co."

Hannah Hartman

60th-66th overseer
Hannah Hartman was undeniably a vault favorite. Her quick-witted and calculated personality make her the perfect overseer. With a rough upbringing, Hannah made it a goal of hers to make the vault a better place for all, and for her efforts to have a lasting positive effect on all vault dwellers for years to come.

Bryan Gullenhire

70th overseer
With his strict upbringing and strong sense of self, Bryan Gullenhire was built for leadership. Before being promoted to overseer, Gullenhire served as Vault Security which he had always taken very seriously. And now, he watches over the Vault with an iron fist, making sure every stays safe and sound.